4:34 AM toujoursAnja 5 Comments

The moment all the FW maddness stops, the half of the world feels relief - from designers, models, editors, bloggers (...) to insignificant fashion lovers, such as myself.
It's the time when fashion emigrations from the big four capitales de mode start and when everybody heads back home. Finally.

It's crazy how blinded we all get after 4-5 weeks of intense socal media stalking, liking, clicking, commenting, i-can't-believe-what-she-wore-and-is-she-really-blonde-ing etc. 
We get tired. 
We get kinda sick.
 And we slightly overlook what the rest of the world has to offer. 

And that's probably the biggest mistake one can make (not the biggest-biggest, but you know what I mean). I did it, too. I saw brand new street style online and and didn't want to mess things up in my head again. 

And what a big mistake that was, my friends!
Not only the rest of the world offers great street style, but also it's more authentical, unique and less... conventional. You know how we all expect to see IT pieces of the season (shoes, bags, coats...) on the streets of the big four, and, no surprise, we see them. 

But today I'm showing you the style from Prague, Tokyo, Seoul, Kiev and Reykjavik. It seems that people here are keeping it real and dress according to the weather (THANK GOD), all the way being faithful to their style and adjusting hottest trends to their culture.

It's great, isn't it?




